Samuele Visentini Fitness Blog

  1. Versa Gripps

    Supplement reviews
    By Samuele Visentini il 15 May 2014
    0 Comments   52 Views


    How's going the week everyone???

    Today I want to talk about a "must have" fitness accessory. For those who are unaware of this amazing product I'm talking about Versa Gripps ... the best version of a lifting strap.

    I have been using these lifting grips for a year and now I can't even think about a workout without them. Now let's go in details with my personal experience:


    During my years of training I have used different brands and different types of lifting straps but they only provided me a help when I needed to handle heavy weights or perform strength exercises. I had never thought of something more than that from a strap.

    Well now it's time to rethink about it. The first time I tried Versa Gripps my impression was amazing and unique. When I think about this product the thing that comes in my mind is "Muscle-mind connection".

    Thanks to the product I have been able to concentrate and isolate the movement to the target muscles at a higher intensity and develop my weaker muscle groups I wasn't able to "feel" before.

    In my case, I always had difficulties on isolating the muscles of the back when I was performing exercises such as lat pulldown or seated cable row. This because I tended to involve the biceps too much in the movement ... well now with the grips I can contract just the muscles I want ... I can seriously start the movement from the elbow and not use the biceps at all.

    If you are looking to develop an aesthetic physique and target the right muscles try Versa Gripps and I am sure you will see the differences. For more informations about how it works go to the main site

    PS: I am using the PRO Series but there are many other different choices ;)

    Last Post by Samuele Visentini il 15 May 2014
  2. ProAnabol

    Supplement reviews
    By Samuele Visentini il 11 May 2014
    0 Comments   52 Views


    Hey everyone!!! Sorry for being away for such long time but I have been soooo busy!
    First of all I would like to thank ALR Industries, for providing me their product for this review.

    It's called ProAnabol® and according to what the brand claims it should support you if you are looking to increase strenght, energy and recovery while decreasing fat deposits.

    Well, now let's see how it worked with me!

    I have to admit that I was impressed about the results obtained; especially during the first 4 weeks. I decided to try this product in a period of cutting to get extra help with the recovery and improve certain muscle groups (hypertrophy and strength).
    I started with the protocol of 2 caps per day (one in the morning and one in the evening) and then I increased to 4 caps a day (two in the morning and two in the evening).

    OVERALL: 8/10

    The product works and the most interesting thing is that it works FAST!!! It kicked in immediately the first week of use and I was able to experience an increase of strenght, fullness and better pumps.
    Ah before you ask me this IS NOT A PRO-HORMONE or whatever you can relate to that. It has not the risk of sides, it can be taken from men and women and it doesn't require a post-cycle. ;)
    If you want to have a deeper knowledge about the formula go to the main website of the company .


    The product kicked in the 4th day of use and what I immediately saw was a consistent increase of strenght. I was able to train at an intensity not experienced before. During the period of use my lifting stats increased noticeably. Also I have to add that the muscle-mind connection increased as well ... I was lifting more, concentrating all the efforts just on the target muscles ... amazing feeling!
    Other effects were a constant fullness of the muscles even at a low calories diet and a more evident vascularity.
    A fact to mention is that the hunger management was tougher since the hunger increased during the period. I didn't increased the calories and respected my cutting nutrition programs and overall it resulted with a fuller, harder look.
    I honestly can say that I will use it again during this year and I suggest you guys to give it a try ... you will not be upset with it!


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    Last Post by Samuele Visentini il 11 May 2014
  3. HumaPro

    Supplement reviews
    By Samuele Visentini il 6 Dec. 2013
    1 Comments   951 Views

    Today I want to talk you about a supplement that you may find useful to achieve your fitness goals.
    I've been using HumaPro from ALR Industries for several years now and I think this is an unique product that will create a whole new category in the protein supplement market.
    According to what the brand claims HumaPro is the perfect Ajinomoto® Amino Acid matrix for human protein synthesis that is able to build muscle and starve you fat cells at the same time. Well, now I want to tell you my personal experience with this supplement:

    I have decided to replace all my protein sources with HumaPro and I've experienced amazing results with it. I have been able to lose fat at a faster pace and to keep a low bodyfat % during all the year. Also I've been able to improve in terms of muscle development. I definitely recommend it ... at least try it for a period of time and I'm sure you will see the difference.

    At first I was skeptical and I was afraid to catabolize my muscle mass.
    After doing a trial period (1 month) where I consumed only HumaPro as a protein source (no meat / fish / whey) and having seen an improvement in terms of body composition (fuller and more defined) I decided to switch definitely to this approach.

    Due to the fact that HumaPro provides the necessary proteins to my daily requirement without providing calories(In each serving there is the equal amount of 25 gr of proteins but at almost 0 calories), I have been able to increase the consumption of carbohydrates and fats. Therefore this has helped me to have a less strict diet but at the same time maintaining a very low bodyfat for a long time.

    Also the profile of the formula is profound as it comprehends also some nutrient repartitioning ingredients that help to keep a stable blood glucose level. The uniqueness of this supplement and its ability to add lean muscle makes the effectiveness of this product quite impressive for it's cost.

    TASTE: 7/10
    I've tried all the flavors of powdered version and I must say that the taste is not comparable to other protein supplements, but it is more similar to that of BCAA. Specified that, the taste is not "chemical" but pleasant enough to drink 4-5 times during the day. I suggest to be careful in the choice of flavors as some are definitely better than others. Specifically, I would highly recommend the Peach-mango flavor.
    Regarding the tablets, they are practical and not too large to swallow. I use both versions (the powder to be consumed at home and the tablet for when I'm out).

    VALUE: 10/10
    HumaPro are much cheaper than whey protein supplements. In fact, when you consider that just one serving (7.42 gr) deliv...

    Read the whole post...

    Last Post by RIZ il 19 Mar. 2014


    Edited by Samuele Visentini - 15/6/2014, 15:53
    Last Post by Samuele Visentini il 15 June 2014
  5. General informations about my approach

    By Samuele Visentini il 25 Nov. 2013
    0 Comments   30 Views
    I am the kind of person that believes in the importance of a proper nutrition. For me this is really the key to achieve results if you want a shredded aesthetic physique. I am not a big fan of bulking/cutting cycles during the year, instead I prefer to stay lean all year round so that it's easier to just cut a little bit in few weeks if I need it for a shoot.

    I am a big fan of "intermittent fasting".
    I have been following this kind of approach for the last five years having amazing results. At first I started following the guidelines of the IF-expert, Martin Berkhan. In his blog (leangains) there are lots of useful informations and scientific explanations behind the theory of Intermittent Fasting. In short it does consist in fasting all day and into eating all your calories at evening/night in a meal.

    Right now, after years of tests and changes, I developed a personal approach but before explaining it I also want to mention another important point of my diet that really helped me: I have been substituted all the protein sources with an amazing supplement called Humapro. This product is almost calories free but at the same time it delivers in just one scoop the equal amount of 100% absorbed 25 gr of proteins. Thanks to that it has been possible for me to take off all the proteins from my calories in terms of macros and add more carbs and fats to the night meal. Also, since Humapro is almost calories free and has the property of supporting stable blood glucose levels, I decided to take my "virtual protein intake" during the day without the risk of decreasing the effectiveness of the fast.

    Saying that my Intermittent Fasting protocol looks like this:

    - 8:00 am 1 scoop of Humapro
    - 12:00 am 1 scoop of Humapro
    - 4:00 pm 1 scoop of Humapro
    - 6:00 pm (pre-workout) 1 scoop of Humapro
    - 8:00 pm (post-workout) 1 scoop of Humapro
    - 9.00 pm Meal containing all the calories I need for that day

    In the next post about nutrition I am going to talk about how I calculate calories and macros. Also you can find more detailed informations about Humapro and of the other supplements I take in the supplements section.

    Thank you for following!

    Last Post by Samuele Visentini il 25 Nov. 2013
  6. About me

    About me
    By Samuele Visentini il 25 Nov. 2013
    0 Comments   80 Views

    My name is Samuele Visentini and I want to bring you with me to my journey to aesthetics.
    This blog is dedicated to my personal approach to fitness and in particular about my training, diet and supplementation.

    My story

    Since I was a kid I have always been very active. I started practicing several sports at the age of 5 years old, ranging from martial arts to golf.
    I approached the fitness world and especially the weight lifting at the age of fifteen years.
    I will always remember the night that I made the first step in a gym. It was during the summer of 2004. As I entered I came across the one who then introduced me during the years in the wonderful world of bodybuilding. From that evening I found the push I needed to start my transformation. For this I will be forever grateful to my good friend Alberto.
    Right from the beginning I noticed my strong predisposition to such sport by developing a muscular physique and a strong interest toward training and nutrition. All this has led me now wanting to achieve my ultimate goal trying to compete in the United States in the Men's Physique category.
    For many years by now I have applied a particular system of training and diet. Lot of guys often stop me in the gym and ask me information about my training methods, the diet I follow and what kind of supplements I take. My goal then is to become a role model for anyone willing to take a challenge with themselves and to change their body and approach to life.
    I hope you guys enjoy!

    Last Post by Samuele Visentini il 25 Nov. 2013